It's now the end of my second day of mountain bliss in Tahoe, California. It poured snow all day yesterday, but I managed to clamber all over Heavenly in pursuit of my lost ski legs. Found 'em! Today was the storm's brilliant after-math: sunny skies and pure fluff on the slopes. My quads may never recover, but my heart is full to bursting. Oh, and did I mention that my mother, father, aunt, and best friend are here?
Observations from the past couple days:
- For some reason I always figured I was a pretty decent skiier. Turns out I had a generous definition of "decent."
- Tahoe snow plows are HUGE. And scary.
- Genius award goes to the person who thought of popping up windshield whipers on cars. This prevents them from freezing on the windshield.
- You can save yourself from a certain-death backward slide down a hill by yanking the emergency brake and flipping a 180, then gunning it downhill. Between that and an ample supply of dumb luck, you can survive even the most harrowing of winter driving experiences.
- Sunscreen has an expiration date. Huh?? Of course I only realize this AFTER I'm burned into oblivion.
- Heavenly is full of catwalks. Catwalks are hard as f%^$ing hell. In related news, they also suck.
I think I'll curl up with a hot tub and some single malt scotch now. White out.